
New Feature in version 1.1.4 1/2 [ManyTime-2]

The 1.1.4 version adds the support of URL Scheme.
On memo app of iOS, if user taps the URL that is partially encoded in UTF-8,
ManyTime app will do the specified operation.

URL Scheme examples:
- Insert event -
manytime://?op=1&c=1&sc=23&s=2015-03-17 12:30:00&e=2015-03-17 19:00:00&cm=Call from my aunt

- Insert event (partially encoded in UTF-8) -

- Search event -
manytime://?op=2&c=1&sc=23&ts=2015-03-17 12:30:00

- Search event (partially encoded in UTF-8) -

- Update event - 
manytime://?op=3&c=1&sc=23&ts=2015-03-17 12:30:00&s=2015-03-17 14:30:00&e=2015-03-17 19:00:00&cm=Call back to my aunt

- Update event (partially encoded in UTF-8) - 

- Delete event -
manytime://?op=4&c=1&sc=23&ts=2015-03-17 14:30:00

- Delete event (partially encoded in UTF-8) -

Parameters from URL Scheme is followiing:

op=[1-4] Operation
1:Insert, 2:Search, 3:Update, 4:Delete

c=[1-4] Course
1:course 1, 2:course 2, 3:course 3, 4:course 4

sc=[1,11,21-23,31-33] Screen transition
1:Login, 11:Table View,
21:Day Calendar, 22: Week Calendar, 23:Month Calendar
31:Day Chart, 32:Week Chart, 33:Month Chart

ts=target's start time
Start time of the target event.

s=event's start time
Start time of the event.

e=event's end time
End time of the event.

cm=event's comment
Comment of the event.

Note: The time format of event is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:00.
In-App Purchase in v..New Feature in versi.. ブログトップ
